
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

my best friend is from the bus station

My BFF of the week is named Neri. He's 35 years old, from Uruguaiana, Rio Grande Do Sul, and works as a security guard at the bus station. His favorite item of clothing is a yellow polo, a bulletproof vest, and a big black thing he always carries that is probably a weapon. And he is my best friend of the week because I probably saw him more than I saw Sister Vera because we were travelling and doing exchanges and I went 4 days without seeing her, when on the other hand I was in the bus station picking up and dropping of sisters every day. COOL RIGHT?
This week has been so hot and humid ive stopped using a towel after I take a shower because my skin basically never dries.......................(ok thats an exaggeration, but really the air is wet and gross and I sweat more than my whole life combined)
Yesterday we had a lesson with this girl and she was kind of a jerk and said "you know who i hate? mormons." because she didnt know we were mormon and i almost punched her in the face because i got flissed and it was great true story ask sister vera.
OKAY so this week was actually REALLY tiring (sometimes i feel like im a nanny when we do exchanges because I want the sisters to feel really taken care of in our house) but REALLY amazing!!
On tuesday, we went to Alegrete for a zone conference with ELDER COSTA, BRASIL AREA PRESIDENT (also he told us that if hes alive when Christ come, he automatically because presidente of brazil hahahaha i hope thats true thats awesome) AND he talked with us for THREE hours without pre-prepared notes and it was INCREDIBLE everything that he taught us and his life experiences and I was loving every second of it. First, he gave us leaders a training and talked about how when we do exchanges, we arent there as much to evaluate the missonary as we are to be a MODEL and be like Christ and show them how to work and them say "come follow me" and I was able to apply that this whole week with the sisters :)
other things he taught me:
1. Dont ever make a "plan a" with your life. Always make a "plan b", because plan A will always be whatever the lord has prepared for us
2. There are two types of missionaries (and people). Locomotives and boxcars. People that pull and people that get pulled. "things that act and things that are acted upon" (2 nephi 2). Without the locomotive, and boxcar does what? NOTHING. So lets all be locomotives and move ourselves in the direction we want to go!
3. MISSIONARIES OR FUTURE MISSIONARIES: THIS PART IS REALLY IMPORTANT. We all know that when we teach, we HAVE to teach by the spirit. Our goal is to leave it in the house when we leave so that he can keep working with our inv. even when we are not there. SO AT THE END OF A LESSON, WHEN THE SPIRIT TELLS US TO GET OUT, WE CANT STAY  SOCIALIZING EATING CAKE AND DRINKING TEA. WE WILL UNDO EVERYTHING WE DID IN THE WHOLE LESSON AND THE SPIRIT WILL BE LIKE "THESE DUMBHEADS, I TOLD THEM TO LEAVE, AND NOW I CANT EVEN STAY" wooooooooooooooooooow it was something SO simple, but when applied in our work, it 100% improves our chances to convert these people.
So it was wonderful :) and we had a few miracles this week that our new investigator came to church and the less active weve been teaching for two months finally came and almost ALL the members talked with both of them and were so friendly and they made friends and i couldve cried :)
my other realization of the week:
I dont know if im going to have a baptism before im transferred from this area, and before, that thought bothered me, like "why was I sent here if he's not going to let me baptize anyone?" but this week He made me realize "MAYBE IM NOT IN THIS AREA TO BAPTIZE ANYONE. MAYBE I HAD TO COME HERE TO THIS SPECIFIC PART OF THE MISSION BECAUSE THERE WERE SPECIFIC SISTERS HERE THAT NEEDED MY HELP" So im feeling very content :)
Sister Lipps :)
i tried to attach them but im computer is being a butt so next week ill send some!

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